Southwest Vacation Feb23 - Joshua Tree NP
Arch Rock

Next we went on the trail to Arch Rock.
Little rocks.
Big rocks.
And there it is:  Arch Rock.
A kids paradise.
We ventured a little beyond Arch Rock
Amongst the rocks.
Wow, that's a big one.
Rocks upon rocks.
A curved rock.
We followed a trail leading to Heart Rock.
Well, no doubt about this one.  Heart Rock.
I name the rock next to Heart Rock as .... Potato Rock.
Heart Rock looks over the high desert.
A couple we talked to told us about this neat place just south of Arch Rock.  You turned off the main road onto a dirt road and drove for a couple of miles.  We did that.  The road was in great shape for a dirt road but the scenic area at the end wasn't any great shakes.
After that, we checked out Skull Rock.
We drove through a place called Sheep Pass.  I couldn't get over the yellow grass that grew here.
Really pretty.
Grass in the desert; who would have thought it possible?